Here's some information on the Constitution Defense League:
Discrimination is Up for a Vote on August 3rd!
The Constitution Defense League is a coalition of Missourians that formed in March of this year to defeat an amendment to the Missouri Constitution outlawing recognition of same-sex couples. The coalition includes a number of organizations that work for equality before the law for all Missourians:
- PROMO, Missouri's statewide advocacy group for gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender equality
- The American Civil Liberties Union, (Eastern Missouri / Western Missouri & Kansas Chapters)
- The Four Freedoms Democratic Club Kansas City
- Columbia/ Mid-MO LGBT Coalition
Our strategy is one of aggressive voter identification, education, mobilization, and fundraising throughout the state. We are also coordinating a massive volunteer recruitment and organization effort from our offices in St. Louis, Kansas City, Columbia and Springfield.
NOW is the time to VOLUNTEER to DEFEAT this Amendment!
Neighborhood canvassing every Wednesday evening from 5:30-7:30 pm and Saturday morning from 9:30 -11:30 am. Call 816 753-7559 and make a difference.
NOW is the time to make a donation.
Contribute online: or send your check payable to Constitution Defense League, 207 Westport Road, Suite 209, Kansas City, MO 64111
www.constitutiondefenseleague.orgMiriam Hennosy
Hm: 816 363-7191
Cell: 816 820-0516
Office: 816 753-7559
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